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SAM4s SPS-2000

The SPS-2000 is easily configured to meet the needs of various table service, quick service and retail applications. It supports a full complement of POS peripherals, including printers, a comprehensive kitchen video system (KVS), POS scales, scanners, order confirmation board and connects to a back office or remote PC for polling and program maintenance.

SAM4s Logo


Like PC-based hospitality POS systems, the SPS-2000 features touch screen operation - however unlike PC systems, the SPS-2000 has no hard disk drive, running its proprietary built-in application software from on-board flash memory and storing data on non-volatile RAM. This ECR-like design provides significant advantages in speed, reliability, recovery from power interruptions, and can be setup and installed at a lower cost and in significantly less time than many PC-based POS systems.
bullet The SPS-2000 provides vivid color with a high resolution (1024x768) super-bright 12.1" TFT LCD touch screen.
bullet Supports peripherals with six serial, one parallel and two USB ports.
bullet Networks through standard Ethernet communications.
bullet Ergonomically designed, the screen can be tilted from 22° to 77° and the small footprint preserves counter space in cramped quarters.
bullet High Performance memory can be flexibly allocated to support large menus or item files, check files, customer reports and employee time/attendance files.

Table Service: Casual Dining, Family Style Restaurants, Bar/Restaurants
Sandwich, Bakery, Pizza, Coffee, Taco, Hamburger, Ice Cream
Retail: Specialty Foods, Specialty Gourmet, Deli's, Liquor, Beer/Wine, Gift Shop

bullet Up To 40,000 PLUs
bullet Up To 99 Groups
bullet Up To 9,999 PLU Status Groups
bullet Up To 200 Key Links
bullet 20 Price Levels
bullet Stock Management
bullet Ingredient
bullet Condiment Item
bullet Manager Control
bullet Link PLU
bullet 16 Character Descriptors
bullet Up To 999 Clerks
bullet Receipt On Demand
bullet Training Mode
bullet 6 Taxes
bullet 10 Discounts/Surcharges
bullet Cash/Check/Misc 1-16 Tendering
bullet 5 Currency Conversion Rates
bullet 0-3 Decimal Point (Selectable)
bullet 5-Line Preamble Message
bullet 5-Line Postamble Message
bullet Add Check
bullet Table Management
bullet Post Tendering
bullet Eat-In, Take-Out, Drive-Thru Functions
bullet Time I/O Functions
bullet Cash Declaration
bullet Up To 32 Registers
bullet Promotion Table
bullet Paid Check Recall
bullet Electronic Journal
bullet 60 Reports (Approx.)
bullet Not Found PLU
bullet Electronic Payment Processing Ready
bullet Gift Card Processing Ready
Click here to view the SPS-2000 Brochure in Acrobat Reader (712 kb). Right click on the link to save the brochure onto your hard drive.




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Copyright © 1998 Texoma Cash Register
Last modified: January 23, 2010